Geodox V.O.F.
De Huufkes 3
5674 TL Nuenen
KvK 51677563 Eindhoven
Vat id: Netherlands: NL8501.23.549.B01
Vat id: Belgium: BE0537.735.732
Steuernummer: 116/5921/4005
Geodox operates the following websites:
Geocachingshop.nl, Geocachingshop.be, Shop4geocaching.eu
www.Cacher-Shop.de, Cacher-Shop.nl, Cacher-Shop.dk en Cacher-Shop.com
Domoticahouse.com, Domoticahouse.nl
Maxpeditionwinkel.nl, Maxpeditionshop.eu
Netherlands and other countries: Rabobank nr:
IBAN NL94RABO0131126261
Belgium: KBC nr: 7350 2244 8414
IBAN BE94 7350 2244 8414 EUR
Germany: Volksbank Dill eG BLZ 51690000 Konto: 0080071906
IBAN DE96 5169 0000 0080 0719 06
Phone number.: +31407870738
All texts, pictures and further here published information are copyright the Provider, unless copyrights of third parties exist. In any case, the reproduction, distribution or communication to the public is only allowed in the case of a revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider.
For all means of cross-references (links) related Web content, the provider accepts no responsibility, because it is not dealing with their own content. The linked sites were checked for illegal content at the time of such links were not visible. Responsible for the content of linked pages their operators. The provider has no general monitoring and assessment requirement. Upon notification of an infringement, the corresponding link will be removed promptly.
Information on Online Dispute Resolution: In the first quarter 2016, the European Commission will implement an internet platform for online settlement of disputes (so-called "ODR platform".). The ODR platform should will focus on the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising, serving from online sales contracts. The ODR platform will be accessible via the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr