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Reduzierter Preis! Travel bug Stamp - Pocket 14 x 38 - Own teamname Näher anschauen

Travel bug Stamp - Pocket 14 x 38 - Own teamname

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€ 23,90

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Mehr Info

Travelbug stamp - own teamname

Shipping in 1-2 workingdays.

The log stamp mouse is perfect for adding some style to your log book signature and also has a travelbug.
Including your own text on the leftside and teamname.
This small, self inking stamp will easily fit into a daypack, a shirt pocket or hang from your GPS strap.
Easy to use one-handed click and stamp operation. Crisp, clean impressions every time.
Compact construction makes it solid and built to last.

Ink: black, blue, red, green
Pocket stamp housing color: blue, red, gray

Stamping size: 14 x 38 mm


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Travel bug Stamp - Pocket 14 x 38 - Own teamname

Travel bug Stamp - Pocket 14 x 38 - Own teamname


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